Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 7 Cleanse

Im not going to lie today was pretty dang hard. All day I really wanted to eat anything other than fruits and veggies and on top of that I was nauseous throughout the day. Just the thought of eating veggies made me want to throw up, maybe too much of a good thing is a bad thing. This blog was meant to keep me honest so I guess I need to be honest and confess that I did resort to many Saltines today to help settle my stomach. Dan and I typically go out one night a week so as you probably guess we went to Jason's Deli since they were so good to me last time. Once again the salad was great and the company even better. I really didn't workout much today maybe 10 mins. and decided to not weigh in so often so I dont get discouraged when the numbers are not as high. Overall throughout the day it was a struggle to keep with it but I think I did a good job at controlling myself, I really hope that tomorrow is easier.