Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 11

This was probably one of the worst and hardest days yet. I weighed in this morning to a 1.5 lb gain! I was completely discouraged but at the same time I felt I deserved it for my cheating yesterday. Luckily my family is very supportive and tried to keep my spirits up. I swore that I would do much better today and feel like I did. I didnt get much of a work out in since I was still watching my nieces but I did get a little activity in. I am finding it harder to get my veggies and fruits in now that I can have brown rice and chicken so I am trying to keep it to one serving of each of those per day. My sister is in town and despite her encouragement I am finding it hard to be perfect with my diet like I was the first week, I think I need to recommit myself after she leaves and hopefully with wont be to late. Dan is working midnight shifts so we eat dinner at about 4:00 which I really like. I think that eating the biggest meal closer the middle of the day is much better than right before bed so that has worked out nicely to bad it is only for a week. This evening I really wanted a treat but didn't want to cheat so I grilled a granny smith apple with some cinnamon on it. I wasn't the chocolate that I wanted but it suppressed my craving.

1 comment:

  1. Katie - Send me an e-mail with your e-mail address and I'll add you onto our healthy living group. We mostly just e-mail back and forth, but it's kinda fun! Sara
