Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 11

This was probably one of the worst and hardest days yet. I weighed in this morning to a 1.5 lb gain! I was completely discouraged but at the same time I felt I deserved it for my cheating yesterday. Luckily my family is very supportive and tried to keep my spirits up. I swore that I would do much better today and feel like I did. I didnt get much of a work out in since I was still watching my nieces but I did get a little activity in. I am finding it harder to get my veggies and fruits in now that I can have brown rice and chicken so I am trying to keep it to one serving of each of those per day. My sister is in town and despite her encouragement I am finding it hard to be perfect with my diet like I was the first week, I think I need to recommit myself after she leaves and hopefully with wont be to late. Dan is working midnight shifts so we eat dinner at about 4:00 which I really like. I think that eating the biggest meal closer the middle of the day is much better than right before bed so that has worked out nicely to bad it is only for a week. This evening I really wanted a treat but didn't want to cheat so I grilled a granny smith apple with some cinnamon on it. I wasn't the chocolate that I wanted but it suppressed my craving.

Day 10

Today was a really busy day. This morning I got a lot of time in for my workout which was a great way to start my day off, I also lost .7 lbs again. It seems like I am stuck in a rut with a .7 lb weight loss but I dont mind at all. I had a lot of energy today and just felt GREAT! I was helping watch my nieces this evening and with being busy I cheated more than I should and more than I want to admit and it was mac n cheese, and Im not even talking the good stuff it was the cardboard kraft crap. I felt so sick after I ate it and swore I wouldn't eat it again. By that evening I felt awe full, my energy was gone and I was deflated. Not a good day by any measure but Im still pushing through it.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 9


Today I was able to add a couple of foods; chicken (skinless/boneless) and brown rice and boy did I enjoy it. It is really interesting just how good foods taste when you have not had them in just a week. Weigh in was pretty good today lost .7 lbs which I was a little disappointed in only because it has been 3 days and I had not yet had my choffy so I am afraid that I have actually gained, I guess I will see tomorrow. I am trying to not dwell on it and just do a little better from here on out. I am a little worried that I am not eating enough because sometimes i would rather eat nothing than fruits or veggies, imagine that, me not wanting to eat:) Dinner was nice Dan and I sat down to a pretty normal meal, grilled chicken, brown rice and edamame, I am so proud of how far we have come. This week on top of what I am already doing I am trying to drink more water. This has always been a fault of mine when trying to lose weight and I am sure that it could get in the way even with my strict eating allowances, today I did really well with that so hopefully I can keep that up as well. My workout today was really fun, once again it was on the Wii Fit but today we focused on boxing and I loved it, I think I will be doing that one more often since I enjoyed it and it made me sweat and sore.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 8 Cleanse

Today was not to bad at all. I am still pretty motivated and enjoying eating the fresher foods, although I do miss my carbs. I have decided that if I am CRAVING something I am just going to eat it I dont care how bad it is for me. As long as I keep it to a very small portion, more of a tasting, then I am ok. I really think that is healthier than depriving myself over and over then really giving in to not so small portions. I really need to learn to be happy with how I am eating and be happy with who I am, If I stress over what I cant have and how I look I know that I wont get anywhere cause that is always what I have done in the past, and this time is different. Again I did now weigh in again today but will tomorrow. It is also Sunday and that is always a no workout day so I just relaxed and enjoyed my family. I also made a smoothie today that was really good; just frozen straberries, rasberries, blueberries, blackberries, banana and cranberry juice. I have found Costco's frozen fruits to be an asset when making smoothies. I made one for Dan that was really good too, he is not really into the who berry smoothies so he had frozen peaches, banana, pineapple and orange juice it was really good too.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 7 Cleanse

Im not going to lie today was pretty dang hard. All day I really wanted to eat anything other than fruits and veggies and on top of that I was nauseous throughout the day. Just the thought of eating veggies made me want to throw up, maybe too much of a good thing is a bad thing. This blog was meant to keep me honest so I guess I need to be honest and confess that I did resort to many Saltines today to help settle my stomach. Dan and I typically go out one night a week so as you probably guess we went to Jason's Deli since they were so good to me last time. Once again the salad was great and the company even better. I really didn't workout much today maybe 10 mins. and decided to not weigh in so often so I dont get discouraged when the numbers are not as high. Overall throughout the day it was a struggle to keep with it but I think I did a good job at controlling myself, I really hope that tomorrow is easier.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 6 Cleanse

Still going strong on fruits and veggies. Again started my day with a banana and choffy, I really think that is helping with my energy level a lot. My weight loss is starting to slow down with a .7 lb loss but I am very happy with that still. I played on the Wii Fit for about 30 mins again today with my niece who loves to congratulate me with a thumb up for earning stars:) For lunch today I pulled out my new Vita Mix that I got for Christmas and took a whack at making a smoothie that is not so smooth (without any milk or yogurt). I used frozen strawberries, frozen bananas and natural apple was DELICIOUS and filling, I cant wait to see what I come up with tomorrow. Energy was still really good today so Im sticking with the Choffy. This evening for some reason I got REALLY nauseous, not fun, since I couldnt think of anything else to solve my problem I cheated on a handful of Saltines. The Saltines did the trick but I am really hoping it doesn't mess with my weigh in.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 5 Cleanse

I didn't wake up as early as I wanted to today but I still feel pretty good. Eventually I would like to wake up early and at the same time but I need to get Shad on an earlier schedule before I can do that. I am starting my day off with a cup of "Choffy" which is choco beans proccessed like coffee beans, it is really good, no sugar, and very high in antioxidants which will really help with my energy...I hope:) Weigh in once again was great, lost .9 lbs again, I hope I am not disappointed when I dont lose, I know it is coming but I hope I take it well when it does. Today we worked out for 30 mins and it really felt good, I could definitely feel an improvement in my energy level. This evening I went out with my sister and a friend. Since both my sister and I are trying to eat healthier we decided to eat at Jason's Deli which offers a lot of healthy meals and a great salad bar. I did cheat a little with the feta cheese and sunflower seeds I put on my salad but I think that is not bad at all. I was very satisfied with my large salad and small cup of vegetarian vegetable soup. I can imagine that most of my eating out will be done and Jason's. I had a hard time sleeping again tonight and I am not sure what the cause is, maybe I just have to much energy to sleep as much as I used to.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 4 Cleanse

After the detox I decided to keep my body in somewhat of a cleansing by only eating fruits and veggies. I have done this in the past but was really strict where I could not cook anything. I am not doing that this time since I want to not make it to hard so I do not hesitate to do it again when I plateau. For breakfast I had a banana and a tangerine, it was delicious considering I had not eaten in 2 days. Once again I stepped on the Wii Fit balance board and was surprised I lost .9 lbs. Two pounds in two days is great, if only I could keep this up. Just kidding I know that is not healthy but it will start slowing down soon I am sure. Being able to eat again was great I really enjoyed the food instead of dwelling on the food I was not allowing myself. It really has help to not have bad food in the house because when I go to get something to eat I only have healthy choices, it makes it a lot easier. I have noticed that Dan is cheating quite a bit so we made a deal that whenever he cheats and I dont he has to give me back rub hopefully this will help me not want to cheap with him. I must say though that he is doing really well at not bringing it in the house which I think is the most important thing. I still didn't have much energy today but I think that is due to not getting much sleep, Shad has been a bit of a pill lately.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 3 Detox

Second day of detox was a bit harder than the first. I really was not very hungry today but I did want to EAT. After weighing in this morning I was motivated to keep going, I lost 1.1 lbs! I know most of that is just weight lost from not eating but it was really nice to see. Energy was still pretty low but I managed a 20 min workout of Wii Fit activities including Jillians Fitness Ultimatum, which really worked out my legs. I did cheat a little this evening...I had a bowl of roasted sweet potatoes, but they didn't have any butter on them so I think it really wasn't that bad.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 2 Detox

I decided to start my new life with a detox to clean the toxins out of my body and also to shrink my stomach and help me appreciate food again. I did a simple detox just pure juice for 2 days. I dont care much for vegetable juice so my diet consisted of apple, grapefruit, orange and lemon juice. I was surprised how well I did today. I tried to keep busy as to keep my mind off of food and it seemed to work. I did get hungry a few times but when I did I was just down a bottle of juice or water and I would be fine. Today I also started my workouts on the Wii Fit and a dance workout video that was actually a lot of fun. My aunt is helping me out with the being more active part and working out with me so we started with our body test, weigh in and starting out slow with the work outs so we do over do it. I am not going to post my starting weight because quick frankly I am very embarrassed by it but I will post how much I lose. I didn't have a lot of energy today but that is to be expected during detox.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 1

Today is the first day of a new life for me although I have not yet changed my eating or activity. I do however feel that today was VERY monumental in this process. Today I cleaned out my cupboards of all the food I had that was not conducive to a healthy lifestyle. Everything went! Because it is only about a week after Christmas I had tons of junk and candy in the house which was surprisingly very hard for me to throw away. I kept thinking "but it is perfectly good candy, cant we just give it to someone" and my husband said that it was not healthy and that no one should be eating it. He was right, but I was very shocked to hear him say that of all people. It was actually really nice to have such empty cupboards and fridge however it does have its drawbacks. This evening before I went to bed I had a bit of an emotional breakdown. I felt very overwhelmed with what I was about to do and very scared that I would not be successful. Luckily I had my husband there to support me and talk me through my feelings. I know I can do this.

Dan and I also agreed on a reward for me. When I reach a 30 lb weight loss I can get this really nice bike trailer I have been wanting. I was a little sneaking and calculated how much I could lose by the time we go to Disneyland because I think that trailer will be really nice to push around the park, luckily he thought it was a fair reward, he just hopes that I dont lose it all in one month or he will have to get a second job;)

What did I get myself into?

Well since I was a little girl I have been overweight for every reason in the book, didn't eat right and hated working out or even just getting off the couch. After having Shad (who is now 18 months old) I put on more weight than I wish to admit and have not been motivated enough to do something about it. It wasn't until I was at Shad 18 mo check up that I felt i really NEEDED to lose weight. I brought up getting a Lap-Band to my doctor to see if that was an option for me and after going over my options he proceeded to tell me that I DID need to lose a "significant amount of weight". WoW I took that harder than I thought although I knew it it hurt more to hear it and that is when I decided that something had to change in my life. I think the most important contribution to weight loss is a support group or person. I decided that my husband had to be along for the ride in order for me to be successful. Because my husband could see the pain my weight was causing me (emotional and physically) he was will to do whatever it took. I thought that writing a blog to track my progress might help me stay focused and motivated so here is my weight loss story.