Thursday, March 4, 2010

Who knows how many days it has been

I feel like overall I am doing pretty well. I have not been able to lose the weight fast but I feel like it is coming off and will stay off. Anytime I am tempted to eat those "oh so yummy" food....I do, then I get right back to eating what I know my body wants and needs and it seems to be working. In the last week I have lost another 2 lbs and really feel like I did not sacrifice to much. Did I give up some yes but it is getting easier everyday to make good choices. I enjoy working out most days but that may be due to the fact that Shad is so much fun to watch while I do it, but I also know that it makes me feel so much better and healthier throughout the day.


  1. Do you have a Gold's pass? I've been trying to go M-F if you ever want a workout buddy! Sometimes I wait til Jared is home, but Porter plays in the daycare every once in a while too.

  2. Keep up the great work! Slow and steady wins the race :)
